Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Offerings for the New Year

Already a number of events are being organised for 2017.

(12 January 2017 – 8.00pm)

This annual beach side rite is held in honour of Yemaya around the first full moon of each new calendar year.
We meet on the grassed area outside the Grange Hotel at Grange Beach around 8.00pm (look for the purple banner) to head down to the shore in honour of Yemaya, the Queen of the Rivers and Oceans. Rite to commence around 8:30pm.

In this informal rite, we ask for Yemaya’s blessings of all the world’s waterways, sea creatures, and all other beings that fall under Her protection.

Please bring an offering to Yemaya (flower, crystal, stone etc) that will be thrown into the ocean. Participants will also be invited to share in a libation of watermelon (Yemaya’s favourite food).

Children are welcome to attend but must be supervised by their parents/guardians.
A gold coin/loose change charitable donation will be collected.

EXPANDING YOUR CONSCIOUS SELF(Thursday, 19 January 2017 – 7.30pm to 9.30pm)
This six part course will expand your conscious thought through the exploration and participation of well proven techniques to align yourself with your Soul Star, to gain higher awareness and connection with the macrocosm while, at the same time, delving deep within our being to explore the hidden treasures of your internal microcosm.

Through this expansion of awareness and energetic connection with your internal and external worlds of existence, you will gain to tools that will enable you to bring into manifestation all that you desire.

Limited places available.  Bookings are essential. 
Cost: $220
More information can be found here.  Course must be paid in full prior to 12 January 2017

(Friday, 27 January 2017 – 7.30pm)
Something special happens for women when we gather together in circles, creating a sacred space where we can hear and be heard, where we learn and share, support and empower each other.  The bond of “sisterhood” is the greatest gift we, as women, can give our own selves.  In the presence of our sisters, we all stand equal, allowing each of us to share our inner most fears, dreams and desires

Sister Moon Circles offer a sacred space for women of all ages to gather, share, learn and grow.  These circles are held on the Friday evening closest to the new moon.

More information about Sister Moon Circles can be found here.

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(Wednesday, 1 February 2017 – 7.30pm)
A free talk on the various energetic healings that are available through the Isian Centre of Metaphysics and how these can assist you in connecting with the divine will be taking place at the Elizabeth Spiritualist Church, 77 Hogarth Road, Elizabeth South.

Non-secular meditations will be returning on Monday, 13 February 2017.  This is an open group suitable for beginners as well as the more experienced meditator.

(Wednesday, 19 April 2017 – 7.30pm)
A free talk and group demonstration on how hypnotherapy can assist you in gaining control back over your life, thus improving its quality and your overall enjoyment, will be taking place at the Elizabeth Spiritualist Church, 77 Hogarth Road, Elizabeth South.