Thursday, November 21, 2013

From Avalon to Adelaide

This is one of the anthologies that I have recently written for - The Faerie Queens by Avalonia Books.  When I was in Glastonbury in September, I met with Sorita d'Este and David Rankine (editors of this enchanting  anthology) and received my contributor's copy.  As I was still travelling, I decided to surrender my copy to the postal service and post it back to me  back surface mail.  Just over two months later, my copy of The Faerie Queens has finally arrived and I cannot wait to actually read not only my essay about Morgan le Fay, but also the other essays that make up this anthology.
So just who are these Faerie Queens?

Powerful, mysterious, otherworldly, the Faerie Queens have spread their magic across Europe for many centuries, enchanting all who encounter them. From forests and lakes, mounds and mountains, the Faerie Queens emerge from the liminal places to bestow their numerous gifts (and curses) on man.
Lover, shapeshifter, sorceress, prophetess, bestower of sovereignty, semi-divine ancestress, protectress of animals, collector of souls – the powers and roles of the Faerie Queens are as diverse as the folklore about them, their origins rooted deep in the legends, goddesses and beings of the ancient world.
To ensure that you do not miss out on this wonderful anthology, not to mention to obtain more information about it, visit